Tag: US

Total 9 Posts

Who Will Win the Game Between the US and China?

We are watching, increasingly worried, as geopolitical dynamics change. Tensions are facing off, and the world could be dividing in two, a division akin to the cold war.

Even the Simplest of Ideas Can Lead to Profits

Even simple ideas can lead to profits. This is not a game where the highest IQ wins. This is a game where emotional stability and rational thinking rules.

Globalisation is Dying and Trump Isn’t to Blame

On the one hand, American consumers benefit from cheap Chinese imports. On the other hand, this put a whole lot of US dollars in the hands of Chinese.

The Report that Could Implicate Some Big Names in Tech

Last Thursday, Bloomberg unleashed a damning report on the US’s tech industry. They documented and catalogued a range of evidence that seemingly proved China is spying on us.

Will New Tariffs Spell Trouble for the Recycling Industry?

New tariffs will make it more expensive for China to import waste material from the US to recycle. Yet this comes at a time when the recycling industry is already in trouble.

The Pot Game Is Just Getting Started

A lot of Canadians are ready for legalisation of recreational pot. They expect the industry to be worth several billion dollars. That’s nice. But it’s small potatoes. The real prize is in the US.

How to Avoid Being Misled by Market Updates

You probably know about Enron. Like most companies lured by returns, the company got greedy and took risks they couldn’t afford.

The Retirement Time Bomb

The number of Americans 65 plus going bankrupt is soaring. Low salary growth, debt and increasing healthcare costs are all starting to become a burden.

The Return of Political Risk

Just how much is political risk priced into stock markets right now? It’s an impossible question to answer. Things are about to get very interesting.